Thursday 18 June 2020

Life: A divine work in progress

We as humans are just a tiny part of this lovely creation all around us of atoms, molecules, organisms, ecosystems, planets and of course the whole universe. Our own life is just a microscopic part of this divine creation where everything is happening all the time. In order to survive, where change is constant, our life must keep evolving to stay ahead and in tune.

Life is a divine and continuous living process, 24/7 in action throwing challenges at us all the time, what we make out of them, how we take them on, it is always our call to make or mar the most of it. This phenomenon is happening all the time thus it is vital that we accept the same as it is, understand the working and enjoy the twists & turns of the whole process.

The process happens within our body, mind, spirit and the soul and we can choose to ignore and fail to understand thus end up living like a creature and become a victim or a beneficiary of instincts or choose to just be a party to it, live aimlessly and become yet another one in the world, in the bargain may even harm its longevity.

Gainfully, we can choose to be a witness and a facilitator for its smooth functioning and lead a balanced life. A step further, with due awareness of the process, proper understanding of its use and benefits, we can explore the immense potential of these four faculties and use the process properly to lead a meaningful and enjoyable life.
To put it simply, we all as human beings get life as a divine gift, which is basically a golden goose that can lay golden eggs. By choice, we may remain ignorant of its capabilities thus lose any benefit, with carelessness lose its capacity to be productive, with lust we may go for the overkill and ruin the capabilities or with greed we may even kill the goose itself. All Lose-Lose propositions.

A grateful person shall respectfully understand the importance and value of the goose, its capacity to produce golden eggs and the eggs. He shall focus on proper nourishment so that the goose lives long and nurture the egg producing capacity to maximum, to ensure that the golden eggs are laid regularly and over a long period.

Thus, if we want our living mechanism (body, mind, spirit & soul) to produce golden eggs and improve its productivity we need to focus and work on following aspects-:

Body: Give proper food, rest, regular exercise and meditate for its growth and vitality.
Mind: Feed information, convert it into knowledge, constantly upgrade and keep balance.
Spirit: Cultivate mental awareness, consciousness and reasoning for actions.
Soul: Seek to know the truth, enjoy the life and share love with all.

Once you are on this path of Life-management, it is an upward spiral growth which leads to a meaningful and enjoyable life. In this process name, fame, shame, recognition, wealth, success and or failure are all by-products so do not get carried away or fall to their lure, very often most of us end up pursuing by-products as life and get disillusioned, we must let them come and go in our lives and continue to focus on the main product i.e. the process.

Life is always a divine work in progress, thus you must enjoy the work, so that the progress is a happening thing, for you as well as for people around you, too.

Satish Shitut                                                                   
Jai Bharat

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