Friday 12 June 2020

Frame your own “Constitution”

Frame your own “Constitution
Since late 2019 we all hear about our constitution in danger, right from an ignorant child to an old uneducated lady to a so called activist are misled and willing to give their lives to save the same, at the behest of few pseudo intellectuals, liberal columnists and dubious political leaders. To uphold the values of our constitution there is no need to fight for the right instead frame your own “constitution of my life” and enrich yours as well as others lives as follows-:

I, the responsible owner of my personal life, wilfully and solemnly resolve to do justice to my body, mind, spirit and the soul towards the harmonious growth of all towards achieving a purposeful balanced lifestyle and humane social behaviour.

Fundamental rights
I must protect the fundamental rights as below of the four integrated constituents of my life.

Body: The right to be given proper food, rest and regular exercise for its growth and vitality.
Mind: The right to get information and be used to convert it into knowledge & proper usage.
Spirit: The right to cultivate mental awareness, consciousness and reasoning for actions.
Soul: The right to know the truth, enjoy the life and seek liberation.

These fundamental rights shall be duly exercised and protected by me confirming to the model directive principles for a balanced growth with due discharge of my duties as follows-:

Physical growth: Develop and ensure proper maintenance of a fit & healthy physical body.
Mental growth:  Learn, develop & nurture the brain to convert information into knowledge.
Financial growth: Apply the knowledge & skills acquired to seek financial stability & growth.
Spiritual growth:  Live life moment by moment to attain a peaceful, happy & soulful attitude.

Both these rights and duties shall be implemented, executed and maintained with the enforcement of natural laws of life to promote a harmonious & balanced growth of my life-:

Directive (Governing) principles of Life.

Respect myself, family, others, nation, environment and practise it in my social behaviour.

Understand the importance of a conscious approach towards the need of a balanced growth.

Love is the most essential part of life to be nurtured and demonstrated in all my actions.

Act upon above principles as a habit to keep evolving into a responsible human being.

As I am the executive as well as judiciary, due diligence and introspection of above aspects is required regularly to make amendments as and when deemed fit for an equitable growth. Once the life is in balance, it is easier to deal with emotions, stress, upheavals, ups and downs positively and strengthen the spirit towards a harmonious and peaceful state of living.

The current situation all over the world with protests, violence, state atrocities, racial abuses, rich poor divide, corruption and religious hatred is a mix of lost values, materialism, selfish and misplaced priorities. What goes around comes back thus if everyone follows “my own constitution” and shares with others, we shall not only save constitution but whole humanity.

Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat

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