Monday, 18 May 2020

Circumstances-Your Choice- Act or Acted upon.

There is a general feeling amongst most of the people that we are products of circumstances but that is not all true. Your birth and upbringing surely are circumstantial and that does play an important role but the course beyond is your own making. There is nothing permanent in life, everything has a beginning and an end. The only thing constant is the change.

The surroundings, situations, environment, people and their behaviour around us is never the same and keeps changing all the time. Just as happy times do not last forever the difficult times also do have a time span and change the course. Generally, we can’t change the circumstances but can always change ourselves to deal with the same adequately.

Different people react differently in different circumstance, few succumb to circumstances, most of them accept the circumstances as fait de accompli and live their lives as it happens. Some leave it to the Gods or others to bail them out. There are few who not only overcome but create growth opportunities for themselves and others, in any given circumstance.

Be proactive, take the initiative and become a product of your own choice and not a victim of circumstances, is the keyword. Whether in the dump or in comfort zone don’t be happy with the status quo, act now for a paradigm shift in your life. Become a responsible good human being, follow key fundamental principles in each of your action plan to create circumstances.
Always respect the situations and your abilities, identify what you can change and what you cannot, acknowledge the opportunities available, focus on them and develop a plan to gain from the same with full respect and self-esteem.
Fully understand the circumstances, brainstorm potential ways to gain from them, have full knowledge of your resources, do not hesitate to seek help from others to thoroughly analyse your plan , comprehend various probabilities in implementation, ensure that you sharpen your skills and get all the emotions positively to make the plan as effective as possible.
Love is the essence of life, act with passion on your growth plan. Love being a verb apart from noun, demonstrate that care and compassion in your action plan. Your commitment and focus will help it to blossom well and embrace all effectively with a ripple effect.
 All of us have basic survival instincts and genes to succeed, those who dream, dare and work towards their aims and objectives rarely fail. Constantly Keep aligning your plan with ever changing circumstances to grow spirally towards your objective.  Always keep learning and evolving through this continuous process of Respect, Understand, Love and Evolve.

Example: Lockdown due to Coronavirus
Few of us succumbed to the Lockdown out of fear and conditions due to corona, few managed to survive the unforeseen circumstances, a lot of us did nothing but just wasted our time, few of us used the situation to work from home, upgrade the skills and pursued the hobbies to either overcome the boredom, keep occupied and or prepare for tomorrow.

The good human beings chose the humanitarian approach to volunteer as “Covid warriors”, to serve the distressed lot and responsible folks used the opportunity to develop products, services, portals, apps, medicines, supply chains, online classes & webinars etc to cater to the needs of the situation thus creating circumstances for their growth with benefits to all.

It is always your choice to be “ACTED UPON or ACT thus be “RULED” or “RULE”

Satish Shitut
Jai hind

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