Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Be a programmer of your own life program.

Yes, it is my life and I have the freedom of choice to decide the course of my life but how often do I choose that option and become a programmer myself? Being human, I have the intellect and the resources to write my own program, but seldom do we choose that path thus are either conditioned by others or just blind follow them and or never explore the ability and resources within ourselves.

Generally, it is the fear of failure or lack of confidence in our self and or the conditioning of the mind since childhood, which inhibits us from taking control of our own life. Time to initiate the process and get going positively. It is very much possible not tough, all in the mind, thus take the first step to become your own programmer, do no leave it midway as it needs patience and self-belief.

Let us take an example, we are all human beings and hopefully all of us want to be “GOOD human beings” thus let us write that program.  The universally accepted way forward is to Write a mission statement, ask plenty of questions, set up a process, set measurement of success yardstick ,use your resources, take action, learn, keep improving and evolve positively towards achieving the set goal.

What you want to do: To be a “GOOD Human being”.

When to do: Right now, during this life, earlier the better
Why to do: Self-improvement to feel good, enjoy the happiness and share the goodness.

Where to do: Inside myself-from within

How to do: Simple four steps after understanding clearly the above 4W’s, just focus on 4S’s as follows

Self-Respect: You are good thus have confidence in your ability and values, take pride in yourself and behave in a dignified manner. Inculcate this approach till it becomes a habit.

Self-awareness: Understand yourself, explore and notice consciously the immense potential within you. Do a swot analysis of your body, mental strength, emotional quotient, habits and behavior.

Selflessness: Love is unconditional, and it is more of a give rather than take, this selfless approach brings out the care and compassion with in you and refines it to make you tolerant and forgiving thus enables you to  embrace all without any expectations.

Spiral growth: It is a beginning of a new journey with above steps in harmony with you, your surroundings, the growth will be spiral and not linear. Focus on these three factors with full commitment and demonstrate, the resultant actions shall reflect the goodness positively not only within but around you, too. This path of your growth then moves spirally first touching your inner circle of influence expanding towards Godly virtues and the cosmic energy.

 Now that I know what to do, when to do, where to do, why to do and most important how to do? I can write my daily routine based on my own swot analysis to focus on the three S’s above, put into practice, introspect daily thus making it a continuous process in my life. Keep evolving based on feedback and failures as It is all about enjoying every moment of my own growth and happiness.

The measurement yardstick of this program has around 5 levels of expectations viz- Basic, Expected, Desirable, Surprising and unbelievable. My consistent good behavior and actions in the society will decide the level of attainment. The more I share my goodness, the more I grow and expand my circle of influence. Nothing is impossible, I can aim for basics and then keep evolving spirally.

Satish Shitut

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