Saturday, 30 May 2020

The Indian family support system (Decoding Modi Mantra)

In today’s selfish world, it is worth relooking at our traditional family value system to see if the same can be adopted while maintaining the status quo of nuclear families. This system and its values have passed through generations, time tested and still is the longest surviving institution in India. Simply put, encourage individuality with sense of pride and collectivism.
Independent individual
We all are born dependants and the first two decades are spent to become independent, during this period we are helped by our parents, siblings, neighbours, friends and teachers, but for their contributions and of course our own efforts we could still end up a dependant.
The values of Love, loyalty, integrity, support and sharing are inculcated during this period and this should lead you to be self-respecting person and bond strongly with them for ever.

Intradependent family
The individual who has now become independent assumes responsibilities and charts the growth plan of his own, pursues his passion, starts working or does business thus develops his own circle of influence and gets busy in achieving his own goals but will always find time, respect and care for all those who helped him become independent, what goes around does come back. All within each circle standby each other in both highs and lows. Bond grows.

Interdependent society
This individual and the rest of his now increased circle of influence do not live isolated lives in a cocoon but have around them relatives, communities and associations, living in various neighbourhoods, which is a part of a city, a state and a nation. Now each of these groups are a part of a whole and not a whole in themselves as their own growth is dependent on the growth of the other group too, for an inclusive growth to reap economic, social and secured dividends. Each part must play its role to ensure the support within and outside as well.

Synergy then becomes the engine of world growth
Everyone thus considers himself a contributor as well as a beneficiary part of his family. The families, the neighbourhoods, the states and the nations then look at the world similarly for a sustainable, inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world is the “funda”. The world leaders as heads of their nation also take a similar top down approach till last nation in line is also a beneficiary is the theory “world is one family” known as,” vasudhaiva kutumbakam” in Hindi.

All different individuals can then lead their lives as per their choice, as long they respect and have consideration for others with a common approach to build a support system within each family and cooperate similarly with other families for a collective wisdom. The nations in turn also work on the principle of compassion, equity & cooperation for an inclusive growth.

Atmanirbhar, antyodaya and vasudhaiv kutumbakam means become self-reliant to achieve growth for all unto the last man in line, act local think global approach to make “world is one family” a reality. Is this possible without initiating the following changes is a candid question?

ü  Communicating these utopian ideals to all and get them on one platform.
ü  Changes in education system with community and national service.
ü  Population control measure, demographic balance and uniform civil code.
ü  Reservation for low-income groups and women only.
ü  National health, security and education benefits for all.
ü  Political, judicial, economic and social reforms to minimise corruption.

With hostile neighbours, enemies within, religious divide, regional aspirants, corrupt politicians, selfish Janata, poverty and resource crunch, is it possible to get legislative approvals? Thus the shared values as above may not get consensus of all but any understanding of these values at the least can develop more self-esteemed individuals who are consciously aware of their responsibilities, respect each other’s ways of lives, understand the need of mutual cooperation for their own benefit and the collective growth.

More value based self-respecting individuals is the need of the hour for a change in mindset.

Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My take on (D)evolution of media in India

Till 60’s we had only print and radio, as a child I recall, those days whole family used to gather and listen to it at specific times for event commentaries, speeches, havamahal and binaca geetmala etc. 70”s saw the advent of Television and now even neighbors would join at specific times to watch chayageet, antakshari, movies and sports as TV sets were far and few between. Newspapers had content and news.

80’s saw the introduction of video and spread of color TV in each household thus again it was back to family viewing ritual. Throughout 80’s it was only one channel but gave great serials like hum log, chitrahar, Buniyaad, Ramayana & Mahabharata for families to watch together, being govt controlled both TV and print had lot of social messaging and to some extent a mouthpiece of the governments.
 90s saw the advent of private channels thus giving us a choice of sitcoms and never-ending serials, 2000 saw DTH opening the flood gates for 24/7 news channels and slowly the of erosion of values started. An acquaintance of mine then had started a T.V. channel and his answer on viability was simple, set up a small studio, buy content, do stings to blackmail and make money. Crass commercialization had begun.

Around that time a friend of same acquaintance who used to live in Dubai started a political party in an Indian state, again a candid question and answer was again simple, use that channel for propaganda of dummy candidates and withdraw them for a price, make sting on others, buy stories, blackmail  and do hawala transactions. Politicians entered in media to make money, play games and exploit gullible Janata.

The advent of social media since 2010 has thrown many avenues to gain & share knowledge, express freely and increase our circle of influence but sadly the same is abused with fake news, paid & planted news, paid write-ups & researches, rigged opinion polls & surveys. Now the twitter handlers & rumor mongers, influencers & cyber bullies, phony anchors & panelists, twisted analytics & hate spreaders control the viewers mindset. We are now sitting ducks and easy prey for narratives & misinformation.

Now advertorials far outweigh the editorials in print, When I google I get ogled, My Facebook becomes my history book, Instagram gives me mental harm, Pinterest kills my creative interest, twitter has more twits than tweets, third grade youtubers are hate spreaders, lousy podcasters are doubt casters, Tik Toker’s are time wasters. WhatsApp university throws mindless forwards and self-made experts.

I am now either a right-winger or a liberal, andhbhakt or separatist, secular or communal, national or antinational, Hindu or a Muslim as the media is either godi media or Lutyens media. On social media, I am now reduced to be a liker, a follower, a subscriber, a viewer and or a handler, while the liked and followed ones become influencers and make money. Please like me, follow me, view me, subscribe me and get influenced by me otherwise you are not a friend. I am in money making business at your cost.

Do you want to get manipulated, mishandled and misguided by the media handlers or you want to use your intellect, understand the games being played and make the right choice? Do not get influenced, use them rather than get used. Be informed and not misinformed, please choose love and not hate. Use your remote handle in hand, ignore button on laptops, switch off/on button in mind and enjoy life.

I may be a technologically challenged person but still I have made my choice, you too, choose or lose.

Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Migrants crisis: mostly a product of their mindset and mobocracy

Sadly, the effects of the lockdown and stalled economy has resulted in the plight of the migrants to choose between a devil and deep blue sea. It is a humongous humanitarian crisis, exodus is just a beginning, the after effects of the same are more harrowing as this mass exodus may lead to the  spread of the virus in hinterland too, which so far was immune and as the health system there is inadequate it may result in more deaths, unemployment, misery, unrest, chaos and lawlessness.

The very fact that there was no death due to hunger since lockdown started, does establish that no one went hungry, full credit to the volunteers, philanthropists, various social organizations, political outfits and of course to the Govt, that the huge issue of shelter and food for so many was taken care of, though in terms of adequacy may have fallen short. We all contributed and should be proud of it.

The bleak outlook of gaining back the source of livelihood, landlords seeking rent or throwing them out, employers not paying their salaries and or subsistence allowances at least, long period of uncertainty and fear of death due to coronavirus must have contributed to this despair which is also understandable and could have been avoided or reduced. Kudos to those migrants who are staying back to fight another day and those who did dare to travel on their own without creating chaos.

The hesitancy of the state governments along with central govt to comprehend this issue during the lockdown and prepare a joint unemployed migrant management plan with all stakeholders has also led to this crisis. Even if they had one it was not communicated effectively, it may not have stopped the exodus but surely minimized the tragedy. Apart from above there are two major contributors to the current crisis and they are the mindset of migrants and the prevailing mobocracy in our country.

Migrant mindset
 In general, the migrants are risktakers, they even abandon their homes for a better life, their approach is purely materialistic and short term, they overlook hygiene, safety and cleanliness. They lack in ownership of responsibilities, opportunism is their trademark thus the disloyalty, they not only shift loyalty with owners but even places to serve their self-interest. Lack of consideration for others is their hall mark and many instances in the past around the world are testament to that.
Various politicians their parties, many social activists, religious outfits, Reservationists, labor leaders, regional aspirants, linguist protagonists’ communal outfits, separatists, Naxals and others over years have used mobocracy as means to achieve their ends. They exploit the poor, illiterate, unemployed masses, use them as captive tool, mobilize them to create anarchy, terror, violence and force to achieve their selfish interest and then leave them. The migrants become a handy tool for them.

The current migrant crisis is largely a result of political parties and their vote bank groups using their quandary to spread rumors, create chaos, fuel the pandemonium and then play the blame game, perpetrate hate and settle scores. For us it is a matter of shame and catastrophe as their lives are at stake and further spread of virus will defeat the sacrifices made by all of us. We are hostages in this.

We chose democracy because it values human dignity, respects aspirations of the citizens, reduces economic inequality, brings law and social order in effect through various policies and programs for an ideal and equitable development of the society. Instead, these selfish shortsighted and corrupt elements created these vote banks to seek power, in turn we got a harmful and violent mobocracy.

Respect our aspirations, understand the values of democracy, care for all and serve humanity. The Mobocracy will not only kill democracy but politicians, too. Wake up call for “Mera Bharat Mahan”
Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Bharat, India or Hindustan (teen tigada kaam Bigada) Three spoilers

Our nation may be the only nation which is popularly called by three names (officially two). The elites, English speaking and Christians prefer India, the Muslims prefer Hindustan and the Hindi speaking prefer Bharat while the rest choose any of them as per their upbringing, region, convenience and choice.

Britishers called it India because they could not pronounce Bharat properly thus anglicized India from Indus civilization, likewise this piece of land from Himalayas to the Indian ocean was named Hindustan by the Persians. Bharat is the original name of this oldest civilization.

The elites and so-called liberals have their own “Idea of India” the Jihadi Islamists and the leftists have their own Azaadee and anti RSS agenda and the fringe elements boast of the “Hindutva agenda”. A law abiding, knowledgeable citizen is sadly caught in the crossfire of these three rogue elements and is afraid of losing the independent united Bharat agenda.

Majority Muslims talk about secular India only as per their convenience, the L(u)ootyen liberals and urban Naxals selfishly end up promoting “pseudo secularism”, the fringe elements in the majority propagate the Hindutva and sadly a nationalist is called communal.

The biased print, paid television and the fake social media project three types of people who live in India either Jihadis, Urban Naxals or communal. The governments also cater to three classes, they think of the poor, work for the rich and enrich only themselves (vote and money bags mix), sadly the tax paying and educated middle class is ignored and lost in between.

The Lu(oo)tyen’s, politicians and liberals live in posh areas as if it is their birthright and privilege, the jihadis make their own ghettoes wherever they wish, legalities notwithstanding, the Bajrangis occupy the spaces called slums & hutments, sadly the silent and hard working majority spend their lifetime earning to build a small house of their own in some society.

Irrespective of our religions, mostly all of us living here have the same ancestral lineage and the DNA thus we should not hesitate to shed the names given by outsiders and cling to our original name Bharat. Pseudo secularists need to change, azaadee brigade need to change and Hindutva brigade need to change, come on one platform, embrace Bharat which is very well described, and its values demonstrably enshrined in our constitution.

India or Hindustan is just a name to a geographical piece of land given by outsiders whereas Bharat apart from being defined geographically as a land that lies north of the ocean and south of a snowy mountain also means a musical expression of melody and beat, bearer of light and knowledge against darkness. Bharat is also named after a King Bharat who symbolized Dharma, sacrifice and Idealism in true spirit and deliverance to his people.

The meaningful description in the name itself along with our rich, ancient, historical, cultural and spiritual  heritage of Bharatvarsh where many religions were born, came, grew and continue to prosper, should inspire all to focus on many virtues of Bharat, imbibe them in our actions to bring the glory back and rediscover the lost Bharat, a land of peace, love and knowledge which embraces all the diversity of this world to become a world leader again.

The Hindutva brigade need to shed the Hindutva approach and focus on Bhartiyata, Separatists and Jihadi Islamists need to become Bhartiya Muslims to reflect Allah’s true virtues and set an example to the rest of the world, The L(u)ootyen Liberals and so called English educated must shed their slave mentality, corrupt practices learn from the vast eternal Bhartiya scriptures, get enlightened and  use it for the betterment of all citizens.

The Govt and the silent majority need to bring a mindset change amongst these three rogue elements, all politicians need to rise above politics, understand their raj dharma to respect  our aspirations, discharge their duties selflessly  and lead all of us on a progressive path of one nation, one name and one motto- development of all towards a  conscious, and self-reliant Bharat.

Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat 

Monday, 18 May 2020

Circumstances-Your Choice- Act or Acted upon.

There is a general feeling amongst most of the people that we are products of circumstances but that is not all true. Your birth and upbringing surely are circumstantial and that does play an important role but the course beyond is your own making. There is nothing permanent in life, everything has a beginning and an end. The only thing constant is the change.

The surroundings, situations, environment, people and their behaviour around us is never the same and keeps changing all the time. Just as happy times do not last forever the difficult times also do have a time span and change the course. Generally, we can’t change the circumstances but can always change ourselves to deal with the same adequately.

Different people react differently in different circumstance, few succumb to circumstances, most of them accept the circumstances as fait de accompli and live their lives as it happens. Some leave it to the Gods or others to bail them out. There are few who not only overcome but create growth opportunities for themselves and others, in any given circumstance.

Be proactive, take the initiative and become a product of your own choice and not a victim of circumstances, is the keyword. Whether in the dump or in comfort zone don’t be happy with the status quo, act now for a paradigm shift in your life. Become a responsible good human being, follow key fundamental principles in each of your action plan to create circumstances.
Always respect the situations and your abilities, identify what you can change and what you cannot, acknowledge the opportunities available, focus on them and develop a plan to gain from the same with full respect and self-esteem.
Fully understand the circumstances, brainstorm potential ways to gain from them, have full knowledge of your resources, do not hesitate to seek help from others to thoroughly analyse your plan , comprehend various probabilities in implementation, ensure that you sharpen your skills and get all the emotions positively to make the plan as effective as possible.
Love is the essence of life, act with passion on your growth plan. Love being a verb apart from noun, demonstrate that care and compassion in your action plan. Your commitment and focus will help it to blossom well and embrace all effectively with a ripple effect.
 All of us have basic survival instincts and genes to succeed, those who dream, dare and work towards their aims and objectives rarely fail. Constantly Keep aligning your plan with ever changing circumstances to grow spirally towards your objective.  Always keep learning and evolving through this continuous process of Respect, Understand, Love and Evolve.

Example: Lockdown due to Coronavirus
Few of us succumbed to the Lockdown out of fear and conditions due to corona, few managed to survive the unforeseen circumstances, a lot of us did nothing but just wasted our time, few of us used the situation to work from home, upgrade the skills and pursued the hobbies to either overcome the boredom, keep occupied and or prepare for tomorrow.

The good human beings chose the humanitarian approach to volunteer as “Covid warriors”, to serve the distressed lot and responsible folks used the opportunity to develop products, services, portals, apps, medicines, supply chains, online classes & webinars etc to cater to the needs of the situation thus creating circumstances for their growth with benefits to all.

It is always your choice to be “ACTED UPON or ACT thus be “RULED” or “RULE”

Satish Shitut
Jai hind

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

PM speech on economic stimulus post lockdown

The objective was to change the focus from lockdown to lookup
The narrative was to get out of negativity and bring in positivity
Having done that tried to develop confidence in janata towards self reliance, a very big message for collective thinking and way forward , small to big
Finally the big package is the financial booster to all and stimulate an all inclusive growth
Corona is here to stay thus live with it safely and use this opportunity as transform to perform
Truth lies in details and willingness to change,
if not even this package will be SCAMMED by our corrupt DNA
Nai subah, nai Kiran, nai Usha, nai asha aur naye utsah se naye Atma
Nirbhar Bharat ke nirman ki hai yeh pratigya
Chalna humein hai, badalna hai
Caro na se Caro ha 🤔
Vishwas jagao🙏

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Be a programmer of your own life program.

Yes, it is my life and I have the freedom of choice to decide the course of my life but how often do I choose that option and become a programmer myself? Being human, I have the intellect and the resources to write my own program, but seldom do we choose that path thus are either conditioned by others or just blind follow them and or never explore the ability and resources within ourselves.

Generally, it is the fear of failure or lack of confidence in our self and or the conditioning of the mind since childhood, which inhibits us from taking control of our own life. Time to initiate the process and get going positively. It is very much possible not tough, all in the mind, thus take the first step to become your own programmer, do no leave it midway as it needs patience and self-belief.

Let us take an example, we are all human beings and hopefully all of us want to be “GOOD human beings” thus let us write that program.  The universally accepted way forward is to Write a mission statement, ask plenty of questions, set up a process, set measurement of success yardstick ,use your resources, take action, learn, keep improving and evolve positively towards achieving the set goal.

What you want to do: To be a “GOOD Human being”.

When to do: Right now, during this life, earlier the better
Why to do: Self-improvement to feel good, enjoy the happiness and share the goodness.

Where to do: Inside myself-from within

How to do: Simple four steps after understanding clearly the above 4W’s, just focus on 4S’s as follows

Self-Respect: You are good thus have confidence in your ability and values, take pride in yourself and behave in a dignified manner. Inculcate this approach till it becomes a habit.

Self-awareness: Understand yourself, explore and notice consciously the immense potential within you. Do a swot analysis of your body, mental strength, emotional quotient, habits and behavior.

Selflessness: Love is unconditional, and it is more of a give rather than take, this selfless approach brings out the care and compassion with in you and refines it to make you tolerant and forgiving thus enables you to  embrace all without any expectations.

Spiral growth: It is a beginning of a new journey with above steps in harmony with you, your surroundings, the growth will be spiral and not linear. Focus on these three factors with full commitment and demonstrate, the resultant actions shall reflect the goodness positively not only within but around you, too. This path of your growth then moves spirally first touching your inner circle of influence expanding towards Godly virtues and the cosmic energy.

 Now that I know what to do, when to do, where to do, why to do and most important how to do? I can write my daily routine based on my own swot analysis to focus on the three S’s above, put into practice, introspect daily thus making it a continuous process in my life. Keep evolving based on feedback and failures as It is all about enjoying every moment of my own growth and happiness.

The measurement yardstick of this program has around 5 levels of expectations viz- Basic, Expected, Desirable, Surprising and unbelievable. My consistent good behavior and actions in the society will decide the level of attainment. The more I share my goodness, the more I grow and expand my circle of influence. Nothing is impossible, I can aim for basics and then keep evolving spirally.

Satish Shitut

Saturday, 9 May 2020

God, His Human Computer and the Viruses

We are all a part of the big universe, the believers think that it is created and controlled by god( the creator, maintainer and the destructor) of the universe while the non-believers think that it could be a result of The big bang theory and continue the research to establish the same. There are also scientists who are simulating the universe in a supercomputer to find the truth.

Given the above premise, we are either children of god or sort of a human computer. Our physical body is the hardware, mind is the software and breathing system is the operating system. Human because we are endowed with consciousness and the “The spirit” thus the term that” we are children of god” and his presence within us, a Sufi poet aptly described that with his verse “ the other day I visited the heart of a disbeliever, God was there but he does not know it”.

God has made each one of us a programmer of our own computer, we can write our own programs, capacity of our software is limitless while the hardware and the operating system has an expiry date, subject to wear and tear. In earlier days before any religion was born, the knowledgeable humans used their intellect to write their own program consciously, based on laws of nature to lead a spiritual life and could develop connectivity with God. 

Later, the religionists took this god from inside us, placed him/her outside somewhere up and wrote programs of belief, rituals and practices for us to follow. Further the politicians, criminals, ideologues  and the zealots then hand in glove with each other over centuries  suppressed our intellect, exploited our ignorance (so called beliefs and faith) instilled fear, lure and conditioned our minds so much that the real programmer in us became redundant and dependent on them.

This coronavirus has given all of us a great opportunity to rediscover our programmer, eliminate the middlemen and develop direct connectivity to the God. This virus enters our operating system (breathing system) replicates on the hardware (cells of human body) corrupts the software(mind) resulting in malfunctioning of parts(organs) and can lead to their failure or total system crash.

The way to tackle is awareness and action to avoid contact with infected computer, creating filters, installing firewalls and antivirus software. All good programmers apart from following good practices as above, collaborate with other programmers, form open source platforms to nullify the virus, reduce collateral damages and seek short term and long-term solution towards its eradication.

Always, these godly souls (good programmers) are the saviors and warriors of society and not those middlemen who have outsourced our god from within, misled and fear mongered us time and again, so remove the middlemen and take control and write your own program. The path to be a good programmer  is simple: gather information, filter, analyze, store, recall and convert the data into knowledge, experience it to gain wisdom, learn from it, share with others, keep evolving consciously towards attaining nirvana( liberation).

To become a good programmer of  your own  human computer , ensure that you maintain your operating system(breathing system)effectively so that your hardware (physical body) is efficient and  software( intellect)virus free thus creating positive energies within you to write your own program of success. Once you develop this into a habit you will enjoy every moment of your life, goodliness will be a byproduct, life enjoyable and worth living godly.

Satish Shitut

Saturday, 2 May 2020

MyGolfCommune: Survival-Co-existence and beyond

MyGolfCommune: Survival-Co-existence and beyond:                                         Currently, whatever you may call it but a tiny little invisible virus which can be seen only th...

Survival-Co-existence and beyond

Currently, whatever you may call it but a tiny little invisible virus which can be seen only through  a microscope is playing havoc with the whole world, the wealth is eroded, lifestyles changed, economies are shattered, business shut down, jobs lost and last but not the least human lives already lost and rest at stake. The current man-made edifice which is in tatters is staring at humanity and asking questions on its sustainability on co-existence with the nature.

Various nations are readying or already in the process of getting back to “new normal” and will face many challenges to recover esp. on financial resources, medical support, unemployment, business closures and most important the social unrest and chaos due to resulting shortages and the hunger.

The recovery will be slow and long haul, given the humongous challenges and the social unrest, we may be forced to choose the easy path of going back to old normal rather than prepare the society to adapt the new normal, abandon old models of growth and make a conscious effort at setting up a new world which is sustainable and in tune with nature, mind you a whole generation will suffer on this path. Sacrifice is the key, are we all willing to give up status-quo. A tough ask where politicians are incapable, rich greedy, nations rivals, materialism the goal and religious intolerance at its peak.

The lust, greed and desire may force us to go for a quick fix, the results of which could be either a disaster and or back to old ways of slow self-destruction. The pride, ego and jealousy may again instill the race to dominate others the same ways as before. The insensitivity, fear and hatred within various religions and communities which is already playing havoc with many nations may widen further and lead to more clashes and maybe civil wars, too.

India is currently in a better situation than many others because of spirituality in our DNA. Hopefully the current setback must have taught many of us its value in our lives. This Introspection creates self-awareness and leads us consciously to respect other human beings and live in harmony with nature and the universe. This path of truthfulness and duty (Karma-action) helps us to understand reality and teaches us to live a balanced life peacefully with humbleness. Continued spiritual process blossoms kindness in us so that we can be more compassionate and tolerant enough to embrace all regardless of caste, community and creed and grow as an ideal society and a nation.

Can India take a lead and show the world “New Normal” which for us is not new but a forgotten eternal Hindu ‘way of living’ which we lost during the foreign rule and later when we aped endless western materialism, greed and unsustainable development. Humans are social animals with all the elements required for co-existence, but guess need a “Vishwa guru” to rekindle and lead the long recovery for an inclusive “better world” beyond just co-existence. Tall order but not “impossible”

Satish Shitut