Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Essence of P. M’s call to janta to light candles on 5april at 2100 for 9 nminutes

The Essence of P. M’s (leader of the nation) call for 5apr at 2100 for 9 minutes to the janta may be summed as follows for those skepticals

We all are suffering due to a common enemy, while the warriors are fighting the enemy on all fronts, we all, who are confined to dark days and nights individually locked down in our houses can show the strength of togetherness by doing this act at one time together thus creating a synergy to end the darkness and seek brightness.
Let us be together, let us produce energy together
Let there be no limit to our energies
Let this synergized unity regardless of caste, creed and religion lead all of us
From darkness to Light and
From mortality to Immortality

An approach to bring people together, motivate and keep up the spirits high
Regardless, do not forget to help the less privileged within your circle of influence during these difficult times, caring for each other and being together is the only we shall win over the enemy

In above there is no superstition, religion involved but surely Indian spiritual endowment

satish shitut
Jai hind

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