Saturday, 25 April 2020

Selfish Janata, helpless Janata Janardhan and selfless Janardhan

It has been widely accepted that human beings are by nature selfish, fundamentally due to the basic instincts of survival apart from other reasons but as they are also endowed with intellect, those who use their intellect, rise above the selfishness and start their journey from selfishness to selflessness through the values of tolerance and reason, finally those who consciously seek truth and seek to  understand the meaning of dharma(right behavior and social awareness) Karma(deeds-action) and moksha (liberation) and practice the same in real life, attain the selfless stature towards Nirvana.

Given above, the society can broadly be divided into three categories, first the Selfish (Ordinary Janata) second the Janata Janardhan (tolerant and reasonable) and thirdly the Janardhanas (compassionate & righteous). The progress and development of society depends upon the right mix(proportion) as all three of them are integral part and shall always remain so in any society.

The English definition of Janata is “General public” meaning ordinary people (rich and poor both) with no special knowledge, being ordinary and mostly uneducated. They tend to be selfish, ungrateful and always asking for more- They breed on greed. Their priority is me, myself and my needs and nothing beyond it despite the inherent requirement to be a social animal and live in harmony with others as well as the nature. They are generally reactive and gullible customers.

Janata Janardhan
This is the majority of public in any society. Regardless of their caste, religion, race, whether poor or rich, they are at least aware of the need to use their minds and souls to activate the human instincts of tolerance and compassion for others. They are the law-abiding, god-fearing, respect the norms of society, hardworking and always in search of growth and development, they have immense potential to be Janardhan but do not know how to become one. Well known as “silent majority “of a society.

This class is respected by all and some are even worshipped as they are responsible citizens, torch bearers, do-gooder’s, work for others and the nation selflessly, we can call them the strong pillars of a human society. Their value to the society is immense because they are clear in their mental construct(righteousness-dharma), in their intent of actions (Karma) and work towards upliftment(liberation-Moksha) thus play a major role in strengthening moral fabric of the society.

The evil elements in a society always exploit the gullible Janata to achieve their ends as they are complimentary and will continue to be so, the Janata Janardhan abhor this exploitation but are generally silent and remain onlookers, history is a testimony to the same as most destruction took place because Janata Janardhan remained a silent majority. The victories came when Janata Janardhanas stood steadfastly behind Janardhanas and societies developed with their chemistry.

The path to real growth and development of a society is simple, progression from first category towards the third i.e. materialism to humanism to Spiritualism. In other words, progress from being an animal to being human to being God. It is always a continuous process and is key to its success.

In today’s context i.e. the coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to identify each segment of society from their behavior. All are suffering but the evil forces in Janata are hellbent on creating roadblocks and trouble, the Janata Janardhans are suffering too but look helpless, silent spectators and seeking solutions. The Janardhanas are the Covid warriors, social workers and our supreme leader, who are all working tirelessly and selflessly to save as many lives and the livelihoods as humanly possible.

It is high time that the silent majority rises to the occasion(duty), aligns with Janardhanas to marginalize the troublemakers, win this long-drawn battle & the war ahead at any cost to avoid dire consequences. India has the spiritual DNA to do it and this is the time to come together and succeed.

Satish Shitut


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