Respect is one of the key four fundamental
principles of natural laws (inherent values) of life, it plays an important
role in building a character-based personality in pursuit of a balanced and an
enjoyable life.
Right from
our childhood we are told to respect all human beings, parents, teachers, elders,
nature, the laws, the state, the nation and the constitution. Maybe we are not
taught, thus we do not understand and consciously nurture this ability into
Respect means differently to each individual or a
thing, thus could be any of regard, heed, attention, aspect , reference, politeness,
consideration, admire, esteem, revere, show concern and gratitude, all these words are nouns as well
as verbs thus apply to things, place and person as a noun and have to be
demonstrated by action(acted up-on) as they are a verb, too.
Respect is a way of treating yourself, someone or
something, differently as above, based on the intrinsic values attached to each
of them, thus different strokes for different folks. Simply put, we must first
learn self-respect which then enables & empowers us to duly respect others
and in turn earn respect from them.
A person who desires to live his life respectfully lives
his life based on the natural laws of respect, understanding, love and evolve.
He uses these inherent values as a continuous process in his way of life, a laborious
and lifelong project but enjoyable to improve your self-belief and boost the self-esteem
to become a worthy person.
A self-respecting person having learnt to treat
himself well based on this process shall always treat others the way he likes
to be treated himself thus respect for others for him is natural as he has internalised
the habit of respectfulness. This knowledge of what to do, Why to Do and How to
Do, inside-out becomes a practise.
The personality ethic based focus on just the
outwardly behaviour and manners to show respect may look good but will be
inconsistent, artificial and will not develop self-respect in you, whereas the
cultivation of these four principles of natural laws to build an inside out
character is a continuously strong, lifelong and evolving process.
Once you are on a path of building a self-respecting
personality, all the virtues of honesty, consideration for others, tolerance,
forgiveness and accepting things as it is, are by-products. The emotional and
reactive outbursts are always bound to happen, but a self-respecting person also
then develops a habit to realise them, forgive and improve in an upward spiral
growth of his own development.
Today, it is a sad reflection all around us, we
find disrespect as a norm, respect is reduced to just a noun and is rarely seen
as a verb and practised because the role models were based on personality based
ethics and not the character based. Time to introspect and create awareness to
build a character-based society, respectfully.
The task is laborious but worth it, practise to
evolve as respectful human beings.
Satish Shitut
Jai Bharat