The recent modification to article 370 of the Indian constitution by the Presidential
order has kept the clause one thus removing the temporary special status given
to Jammu and Kashmir and bringing it at par with any other state/union territory
of India, thus disrobing the extra judicial powers and entitlements of the
state assembly and the provisions of 35A as the same stands revoked completely.
Ironically 370 members voted in Lok Sabha to modify the article 370. Giving the
benefit of doubt to the then government, possibly article 370 was a necessity
to tide over a given crisis in that peculiar situation and as stated in the
provision itself was temporary and it was incumbent upon the then govt to ensure
that transition is done smoothly to ensure a union with India as per the constitution
of India in toto.
Sadly for last 70 years, due to its misuse by the local
govt, proxies by enemy country, malpractices, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats
this article with 35a was flogged , separatist sentiments played with, used to
blackmail to achieve the ends of vested interests at the cost of the local
populace, money of the India Tax payers and alienating the locals with constant
brainwashing, radicalising and deprivation of higher education and employment opportunities which in turn resulted in the Jannat becoming
a Jahannum, which in turn presume suited the few who were benefitting from the
situation, were in power and did not realise the seed which was sown by them
was now staring at them as it had become an outgrown DEVIL and they had no gumption
as well as any will to deal with it effectively.
In a nutshell miscreants of 5 districts of the whole region of 22 plus
districts were holding the state and the country to a ransom with ethnic cleansing
of minorities, denying rights as per the constitution of India to all
minorities, promoting terror, appropriating wealth, destroying the Sufi and
tranquil culture of the region, cornering the wealth , employment opportunities
and the trade in only a handful of connected people who were keen to foment trouble
to keep their coffers filling and the worst was that the Devil had started
spreading like a cancer to the other parts of the country and had to be tackled
sooner than later. D evil had to be countered with Dare D evil with a strong
Will and long term plan to bring the Jannat back from the jaws of Jahannum.
The current dispensation in India always was against Article
370 as well as 35A and with them getting absolute majority in the current
elections, this was always on the cards and with the opposition in disarray
they took the call earlier than otherwise. Their failed attempts at coalition
govt in Kashmir to achieve the end objective of bringing peace and tranquillity,
the current situation in Pakistan, disenchantment in Ladakh and last but not
the least, the current goodwill which the current dispensation enjoys in the
world forum must have prompted the Daredevil to take the course correction step
at the earliest to ensure the achievement of his party objective and hopefully
the total integration of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh with India.
Having taken the first step, the real troubles are ahead. Majority
in the region by and large will be happy with the change as it should benefit
them democratically, economically, socially and securely but the vested interests
and enemies from outside and Jaichands within will try and destabilise the move
thus it is the primary as well as moral responsibility of the current
dispensation to ensure that fruits of the change reach the door step of the
last man in mile in the region(Antyodaya) tackling the menace makers and if
possible winning them rather than alienating further, easy said than done but
when the locals who are sentimental,, currently inconvenienced and silent for
short term will turn the other way if they do not see any visible change in
their well being and return of normalcy at the earliest.
The Dare the evil has taken the Devil headlong, has the will
“Modi hai to Mumkin Hai”, gaining Vishwas by deeds on ground is the “Mantra” and
Zero tolerance to Terror is the “Astra”. Be human always.