Monday, 28 May 2018

MyGolfCommune: Secular Democracy or a political hypocrisy, an Ind...

MyGolfCommune: Secular Democracy or a political hypocrisy, an Ind...: As per the constitution of India, the meaning of secular is equal treatment to all religions and a democratic system of governance whic...

Secular Democracy or a political hypocrisy, an Indian Dilemma

As per the constitution of India, the meaning of secular is equal treatment to all religions and a democratic system of governance which should be- by the people, of the people and for the people.

In effect, the people should elect their representatives and those elected shall enact parliamentary laws to govern the state and the people, while respecting all religions equally and evolve as a nation based on equality and coexistence. An ideal way of governance where religion should get separated from governance thus the politics, but look at the dichotomy below and draw your conclusions-:
  1.   Is Govt, of the people? Partly no as many are criminals, dynasts, elites and few good Samaritans.
  2.        Are the representatives, elected by the people? No, but by vote banks, appeasement & caste politics.
  3.    Is Govt, for the people? Supposed to but so far it had ended for the elite, vote banks and parivars.
  4.  Are political parties, secular?

Given the above definition, will you not call Akali Dal, AIMIM communal. Can Congress, which has done appeasement as well as divide and rule politics call itself secular, DMK & AIDMK the birth of them itself was anti Brahmin, any secular, BSP which is sheer dalit based party, can it be secular, thus these people joining as a secular force to fight so called “communal force” is nothing but a political farce and hypocrisy at its worst.

True secularism is displayed in your actions and not slogans and following principles are the backbone
ü  The state should be separate from religion but here the states are supporting religious schools and personal law boards, controlling trusts thus interfering and mixing with religion
ü  If state has to enact laws for good, impartial and progressive governance, there should be one uniform civil code and not different personal laws; it defies fundamental principle of equality before law. Need for the same.
ü  The parties with religious and caste base should be banned, legally.
ü  Freedom of religion and exercising the individual rights and rituals without offending general code of conduct or offence to others as per the defined uniform civil code for the whole society.

Thus if any party which tries to build a corrupt-free nation, based on “sabka saath sabka vikas” tries to bring uniform civil code, how can you call that party “communal” guess because they themselves have to be blamed for their past credentials and fringe elements but if the intentions are to change for better then they are more secular than the so called secular forces. Need to ponder and improve.

Work on above principles, promotion of Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb(sahishnuta) and moving from caste based reservations to income based reservations, may lead to a truly secular, progress,  truly inclusive  and vibrant democracy.
Jai Hind

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Current Political scene is a “Samudramanthan” with a “Twist”

The current effort of various political parties to forge a united front to fight Modi & BJP to usurp power in 2019 reminds me of mythological samudra manthan. In simple terms, they are coming together to make it a two way fight in ensuing loksabha elections and use all the tricks in their bags to derive amrut(nectar) by churning the ocean of milk(Janta) to become  immortal(gain power).
In today’s relevance, Janata(public) is the Ocean of Milk, Devas(Good) are the BJP and the man who is going to rescue  Devas is Mr. Modi(Lord Shiva) , Asuras(Evil) are the (so called) united opposition, Maya (corruption) is their major  weakness, Mohini(captivation) is with the BJP in the form of RSS  and shall be used appropriately, Mount Mandar(The churning rod) is the 2019 elections , Election commission is the vasuki(the rope )which is used to churn the ocean with the churning rod to get the election results, job of Mohini and Amit shah(Kurma) is  to ensure poison( Halahal) for Asuras and Nectar(amrut) for Devas.
The ocean of Milk (Janta) must note that both the parties shall use them to achieve their desires and ambitions and shall use all the tricks in the trade to gain immortality (at least for next 5 years) as sadly Samudra Manthan here, is every 5 years.
Let the Devas and Asuras fight, but the ocean(janta) should not be taken for a ride any more, this bipolar fight(so called secular v/s labeled non-secular) is to gain power from you to rule over you rather than serve you, thus awareness of above and following  is important for you and  your future generations.
During the course, the Devas have to produce the report card, the asuras have to seek and share relevant narrative and better alternative, based on these facts, the records of the contestants, your vote will throw both poison and nectar, if you are informed voter and use your wisdom and power wisely then the chances of nectar going in the right hands is more, for your own good.
Look at the negatives and positives of each individual, their party, their resolve, desire, good intentions and sacrifice for the nation before you take sides and use your churning rod to deliver a stable and progressive govt which will not rule over you but serve you for your health, wealth and growth.
Those who get the poison shall have an opportunity to improve the methods and systems used for rectification and those who get the nectar hopefully serve and not rule  the ocean (janta),  which gives them the nectar (power), as this immortality(power) in real terms is mortal(5 years)
An awareness campaign for do’s and don’ts, impartial and strict actions by Vasuki (election commission) is vital for a proper and informed churn to get the resultant nectar, so watch the fun and use your power (vote) wisely so that you are no more a means to achieve their (Devas & Asuras) ends but an end in itself, to be served and met by them.
The milk of Ocean (janta) should no more be milked dry but dutifully served.
Jai hind

Monday, 21 May 2018

"Modi Mantra"a a faltering dream

The people of India, towards the end of UPA 2 rule was in dispair and had lost faith in the system, Mr. Modi showed them the ray of hope, Äcche Din Launga", they all elected him as their leader and his party as "sarkar" and since then by and large janta has remained loyal to him and his party barring few exceptions.

To be fair to him, he is  turning out to be visionary leader at personal level and is giving more than 100% of his time, energy, hard work and efforts to change the "mindset"towards a "Better India".
Toilets to all and swatchata abhiyan
Electricity to the remotest pole in India
Finance to small enterpises
Insurance cover to the poor
Infrastructure development at high speed
Make in India push with skills development and economic reforms
Banking reforms and make it inclusive with jan dhan and mudra
River and irrigation projects towards water conservation
Strategic Foreign policy, Push for tourism and Defence upgradation with high morale support

All the above are showing signs of changes for better though also coming with a bitter pill of pain and anguish due to slow progress and intangible benefits on the ground. It will take time.

To mar any progress and keep the country backward the "fraudster mentality"of elite, politicians, people in power and administation has done all they could to fail demonitisation, defraud the Banks, fill their coffers from any scheme (siphoning, cuts & commissions) and stallinng work either in parliament or judiciary or on ground and these include his own partymen, too.

Presume, Mr. Gamechanger is working on Police,Judiciary and Political reforms to try and turn this white elephant around. Once these changes are done and the "mindset" changes in true sense from me and myself to us and all(inclusive) i.e. sabka saath sabka vikas. It shall not take long, to atleast get the rail on the main track as currently it is still in loop line and in danger of missing the real destination.

Regardless of political affiliations, caste or religion or your status in the society, if there is an effort towards transformation for better and if the Govt is willing  to go till the last mile to ensure betterment of the society in general and growth of India as a powerful nation, we must discard our bad habits, inculcate new good habits of respecting the laws , understanding the need and ways  to change for better, Love your nation, act accordingly and above all evolve as better individuals thus collectively we all shall be an evolved society  for the future generations of  India.                    
  Jai hind